Saturday, May 1, 2010

Readings for 9 May 2010

9 May 2010, we will begin working our way through the Nicene Creed. We will continue following Fr. Hopko's book on doctrine, the sections on The Nicene Creed, Faith, and One God the Father Almighty.

I would also like to point you to two of my favorite podcasts, both by Fr. Thomas Hopko, Speaking the Truth in Love and The Names of Jesus. These podcasts present great information to help explain the feasts, but they are also a great tool for learning our theology. Fr. Hopko brings together teachings for diverse Orthodox sources to show the same, single Orthodox teaching of the Church. Enjoy.

Also, next week we will celebrate our patronal feast. If you are not yet familiar with the life of St. Nicholas, you should consider at least reading this short life. We will sing his vigil Saturday night and divine liturgy and our parish feast Sunday morning.