Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reading for 13 September 2009

Please note that we will not have class on Labor Day Weekend, although we will have hours and typika.

When we return on 9/13/09, we will have, I hope a great discussion on icons, vestments and Christian symbols.

Also, go here for video of the relics of St. Alexander of Svir, who we talked about today.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Reading for 30 August 2009

We're getting a little wild and crazy here, publishing information about the reading assignment a week ahead of time for the class! I guess that's a tongue in cheek apology for my laziness in posting reading assignments.

Here's the reading for next Sunday, which you can also get from Fr. Thomas Hopko's The Orthodox Church, volume ii: Worship, pp. 3-11.

So you should also know that we've moved to the next book in the series, which I don't believe is in the bookstore yet. Of course, get with Josh to see about getting a copy, but if you're as impatient as I can be, then you might look at Light and Life Publishing for it here.

Reading for 23 August 2009

Tomorrow we'll be discussing the concluding paragraph of the Creed. Here is that reading, or you you can read from Fr. Hopko's The Orthodox Faith, volume i: Faith, pp 123-134. This will conclude our doctrinal section of the adult education class. We will not be discussing the section on the Holy Trinity, as most of this has come up in our discussion of the Creed.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Today's Reading

Late, but here's today's reading on the Holy Spirit. If you have a hard copy of Fr. Hopko's Doctrine, it's on pp. 118-120.